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Diving to Understand The Evolution of Coral Reef Fish Around The World

Dr. Korey Evans

When: Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 @ 6pm
Where: The Brazen Tavern
356 w. 44th St. NYC (Upstairs)

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Join us for a captivating evening with Dr. Kory Evans, a renowned marine biologist from Rice University. Discover how diving serves as a gateway to uncovering the secrets of reef fish morphology and ecology.

Kory will share his latest research findings, taking us on a virtual underwater adventure through his recent expeditions to Japan and Moorea. Through stunning dive photos, mesmerizing 3D images of fish skulls, and captivating videos, you'll gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate world of these fascinating creatures.

Be sure to bring all your fish questions for Kory!